Three medals in the Spanish Championship of CCE 2024

This weekend, La Dehesa has been the scene of the Spanish Championship of Complete Horse Riding Competition (CCE), an event that has brought together the best riders and Amazons of the country.

At the absolute level, Blanca García achieved her first medal in this category, obtaining a bronze with Staff des Champs. Blanca impressed with a dressage test that placed her in third position and an impeccable jump test without knockdowns, albeit with a time penalty. The first position in this level went to Pedro Lira with Lust of Love, while silver went to Gonzalo Blasco with Taraje CP.

In the Young Riders category, David Periñan remained unbeatable, with 25.7 points in the dressage test, which was decisive in this category. David started the championship in first position and kept it until the end, managing to win the gold medal. He was closely followed by Marçal Piró Patau, who won silver after performing impeccable cross and jump tests. Another of our Amazons closed the podium, Lia de Ulacia with Charnini, who only had a time penalty in the cross.

The Catalan Equestrian Federation congratulates all the riders and Amazons who have competed, as well as the organizers who made this event possible.

Congratulations to all the participants and we hope to see you again at the next events!

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