

Gallops are the training programs for riders and amazons, based on the “Galloping Program” created by the RFHE. It consists of 9 levels of fitness and knowledge of horse riding techniques, management and care, during the three stages of sports training: initiation, improvement and specialization.

Having Gallops, will allow you to establish the levels of ability you have and will serve you to:
Have a theoretical and practical training for horseback riding
Obtain the competition license and be able to participate in competitions of the different disciplines
Be able to prove your equestrian knowledge with the corresponding document

First of all, you must be in possession of the Federative License corresponding to the current year.
Examine yourself in a Federated Club, Approved and register in the Register of Entities of the General Secretariat of Sports.
Make sure that the technical examiners are recognized by the RFHE and the FCH, and are in possession of their corresponding Sports License.

What structure do gallops have?
Common 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallops

Training level: Basic
Exam:in an Approved Club

Examiners:1 Technician, at least Level I (which may be of the Club itself). Common Gallop 4:2 Technicians with Level I diploma, at least one of whom cannot be from the Club

Gallops 5 and 6

Training level:Technical improvement
Exam: in an Approved Club
Examiners:1 Technician, at least, of Level II (who may be from the Club itself)

Gallop 7

Training level: High Performance and Specialization
Exam:in an Approved Club
Examiners:2 Technicians, at least Level II, one of whom may not be from the club itself, both with the credentials of the disciplines examined

Gallop 8 and 9

Management procedure for gallops 8 and 9:
The evaluation of the sports history will be carried out by the RFHE Education Commission by sending it through the Catalan Federation

How are the gallops made for riders and amazons of adapted dressage?

The exams of the Gallops of the riders and Amazons of the Paraequestrian discipline will be carried out according to the Regulations of the
Equestrian Qualification Program of the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation, Gallops Program.
The examiners will adjust the exam to the abilities of each rider or amazon according to the medical classification, profile and grade, which each rider must present to the examiner, if possible before the date of the exam. In the event that the rider or amazon does not have the aforementioned medical classification, he may contact the
Federation in email so that it is indicated the procedure to follow to obtain it. Examiners may
Likewise go to the same email address for any clarification they need.

How are gallops validated with the qualifications of sports technicians?

According to the agreement of the “National Committee of Sports Technicians” of the RFHE, of January 21, 2017, the following will be validated

“Gallop 4: Technicians who have completed and completed the training corresponding to the Initial Cycle (including Internships) of the Middle Degree of the sports teaching of Equestrian regulated in Royal Decree 933/2010, of 23 July, which will be accredited by the presentation of the Official Academic Certificate referred to in article 15.4 of RD 1363/2007, of 24 October, whose identification key must consist of the digits CA, followed by the digits of the
autonomous community in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV of Order EDC/454/2002, of 23 February hereafter HIHI (refer to the Third Additional Provision of RD 933/2010). O Certificate of Equivalence issued by the Superior Sports Council Gallop 7 in Dressage, Gallop 7 in Jump and Gallop 7 in Full Competition: Technicians with Official Middle Degree Title in dressage, jump and complete, created by RD 933/2010, of July 23.
Gallop 7 in RAID and Galope 7 in TREC: Technicians with Official Degree of Middle Degree in resistance orientation and equestrian tourism, created by the RD/2010, of July 23”

What is the price of gallops?

The total cost for obtaining each gallop is the sum of two amounts: examination fees and federal feesRFHE
sets a maximum cost for each gallop and therefore for examination rights.
We highlight as a novelty the possibility of acquiring a gallop voucher from 1 to 4 or from 5 to 7, with a discount

Who can examine gallops?

Technicians who examine riders and Amazons within the Gallop Program must be trained by RFHE. These trainings will be accredited by obtaining the corresponding Examiner Credentials that are structured according to the three levels established in the qualifications of the technicians and whose respective competences are the following:
. Level 1, Credential I (Initiation), enables you to examine Gallops 1 to 4 and 4 option (Manuals of Common Gallops, Ponies andGears and Gallops Summary Manual 4 option). Minimum qualification required, Level I Technician.
.Level 2,Credencial T (Technification), enables to examine Gallops 5 to 7 (Gallops Manuals of the disciplines.Minimum qualification required, Level II Technician.
.Level 3,AR credential (High Performance), enables to examine Gallops (8 to 9, pending regulation).
minimum required, Level III Technician.

Gallops for regional competitions
How can I validate foreign gallops?

In order to validate the French gallops, you must provide the Certificate of Diplomas or Diploma issued by the French Federation

Then you have to send by mail a copy of the entry with the Diplomas to the RFHE ( Remember that you have
Have your license up to date.
The RFHE only validates one discipline, for example if you provide a Dressage Diploma, Jump and C. Fulfill. you can only
Ask for a modality.

Riders or Amazons of other nationalities who wish to compete in Spain will be granted the gallops that correspond to them for sports equivalence, having to accredit it by means of a certificate from their National Federation which must state the authorization to compete and the level of competition in which they have competed.

Before this procedure they must have the corresponding license. Process it thither.

The price for processing and managing the Validation is €125, which must be paid to the Banco Santander account Nº: ES 61 0049 1893 05 2610259454 indicating in the concept Name and 2 Surnames and the requested Galop (Ex. Esteban Sánchez Romero G5Home)

Once you are in possession of the Certificate of your National Federation and the payment receipt, the
next formsto receive by post the corresponding accrediting diploma (s).

If you have any questions, you can write an email to

With the new “Reglamento de Galopes”, the gallop equivalence of a Sports History is treated on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the RFHE “Comisión de Enseñanza”, which only grants it in exceptional cases.

Given the subjective nature that this entails, you can go directly to the RFHE galloping department, setting out your case and following their directions.

Remember that your license must be up to date.

Calendari d'activitats de galops
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