New outbreak of Rhinoneumonitis at MET

During yesterday afternoon the RFHE issued a statement informing of the positive result in EHV-1 (rhinopneumonitis) of 4 horses participating in the Mediterranean Equestrian Tour, a competition that they have decided to stop provisionally.

The positive horses will remain locked in the equestrian center along with the rest of the horses with which they shared a pavilion (a total of 84) until all the health protocols that allow their exit are complied with, during which time they will be subjected to the corresponding diagnostic tests.

The rest of the horses established in the center will leave the premises in a progressive and agile way, after issuing a veterinary certificate attesting the absence of symptoms compatible with the disease. These horses will be blocked for the purpose of competition in accordance with FEI protocols.

While waiting for the evolution of the situation, it is worth noting at this first moment the rapid action of the MET organization communicating to the official authorities of the Generalitat and the FEI the cases detected and offering their full collaboration.

Any news that occurs will be immediately made known to the entire equestrian community.

In the meantime, the importance of monitoring the health of all horses and continuous communication with veterinarians in the event of any abnormal symptomatology is recalled.

As a preventive measure, the CSN2* has been suspended at the Open Sports Club on February 25 and 26.

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