On Sunday, the C.E. Alt Empordà held at its facilities a CST1* that had tests ranging from 0.20m to 1.20m.
In the 1.20m event the winner was Laia Artigas with Oswald, followed by Tom Bridge with Hyssop dels Aiguamolls.
At 1.10m the winners were Moulay Abdellah with Illico de Grandu, followed by Laia Artigas with Oswald and Nidia Cabañas with Elgada RK, who occupied the second and third position respectively.
At 1,00m Daniela Geli and Gauloise de la Cense were proclaimed winners of the category followed by Ruth Giralt and Bonvivant in second position and Asia de Lucia and Rain in third position.
You can check all the results thither