Javier Monforte and his team double medal in the Spanish Stickers Championship

The Association of Stickers Ciutat del Sol de Llorca has organized the XLIV Spanish Stickers Championship on November 7-10, in Lorca.

More than thirty drivers from various autonomous communities have gathered, which has made the competition even more exciting. It has been an intense weekend, full of emotions, nerves and tension, in which the athletes have shown the effort and dedication of a whole year of preparation. Each team has delivered an impressive show in all modalities and left a memorable experience.

In the Troncs team events, our Federació Catalana d'Hípica team, formed by Joan Freixedes and Alexandre Pujades have won the Bronze medal. In the lemon tree race, our Amazon Cristina Freixedes also won the bronze medal together with other companions of the Club Hipico El Rincon, in a mixed team.

In the individual tests, we highlight Javier Monforte's bronze medal in the Quarts event and the Gold medal he has achieved for teams together with the Andalus, Antonio Pérez.

Monforte has also won the Gold medal in the obstacle course held also in Llorca from November 1-3, closing a great season!

Congratulations to all!

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