The 6th edition of the Raid de la Selva ends

Last weekend, the Selvaequus Sports Club organized the VI Territorial Raid of the Jungle, which will feature the promotion raids, CEA P40, CEA P60 and CEA 0*.

In the category of 0* Bárbara Simón and Peaky Blinders B were proclaimed winners, after finishing the tour in 05:10:01, followed by just thirteen seconds by Joan Miranda and SW Japoida, and Claudia Ubiñana and SW Janulma in third position.

In the 60 km category, Maria Barcons and Happy de Fignols were proclaimed winners with a time of 04:11:07, five seconds later Gil Berenguer finished with JM Kirevulm followed by Laia Bellalta with JM Jebira.

Finally at 40km Núria Mundó and SW Kandjlight took first position after finishing the race in 02:46:28, followed by Georgina Molist and Farandole Armor and Gerard Martínes and SW Kadora, who finished in second and third position respectively.

You can check the full results thither

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