Course of promotion from Territorial Judge to Judge N1 of Obstacle Jumping

The Catalan Equestrian Federation, convenes the online validation course for National Justices of Level 1 Obstacle Jump coordinated by the Technical Committee of Judges and the National Technical Committee of Judges.

This course is aimed at all those Territorial Judges who wish to be promoted to Judge N1 of Jump d'Obstacle and who meet and exceed the requirements contained in this call and comply with rules that establish the criteria for the promotion of Judges, dictated by the Catalan Equestrian Federation and the RFHE.

The course will have two phases:

This course will be exclusive for members of the Catalan Equestrian Federation. Interested parties should send theregistration sheetand copy of the transfer to the e-mail:
tecnic@fchipica.catand administracio@fchipica.catbefore 27 October.

We attach the call with all the information:


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