On June 9, a series of contests of the National League LINCCE 2023 calendar was launched. The program comprised testing of a CCI1* Intro, CCI2*S, CCI2*L, CCI3*S and CCI3*.
A contest in which several of our riders managed to stay among the first positions
In the CCI 2*-S Blanca García Vidal and Sarah Cento managed to finish in third position after performing very good cross and jump tests, in which they obtained 4th and 3rd position respectively. In the same category Daniel Muñoz finished in 5th position with Nabil LB
In the CCI 2*-L Álvar Sala Alonso and Kiss My Jambo M obtained the first position, followed closely by Alberto Hermoso with Adalid AA, who occupied the second position, and Lia de Ulacia with*Charnini who finished in 4th place.
In the CCI 3*-S Eduardo Via Du Fresne and Maribera Pomes finished in first position, after winning the dressage and jump tests. Albert Hermoso and Pantera Pomes finished in 5th position.
This success has led Eduardo Via Du Fresne to provisionally lead the LINCCE League 3* with 41 points.
In the CCI3*-L Mario Nicolás with Eros D Incoville and Carmen Maria Garcia with Abril de La Galana finished in 4th and 5th position respectively
Finally, in the CCI1* Martha Cruz and Victoria Dimitrova started strongly in dressage, obtaining the 3rd and 2nd position respectively, however, Marta was eliminated when suffering a fall in the jump, and Victoria finished in 7th position after having difficulties in the cross test.
From now on, riders competing in both national leagues will have to decide on one.
Here you can check the rankings of the National Leagues: