New training Aula Eqüestre FCH: Comprehensive preparation for the competition

Have you ever faced the situation of arriving at a competition and discovering that you or your horse are not in the best condition?

Maybe, your horse is tired, or has a swollen paw, maybe you have a cold... and that's when the questions arise.

What medications can we take in a competition? Could I have avoided it? Do I know the protocols?, Can I administer it myself or does it have to be a veterinarian?, What happens if I test positive for doping?

To solve these doubts and many more, we present the upcoming FCH Equestrian Classroom Training: “Comprehensive Preparation for the Competition: Care and Regulations”.

A course aimed at anyone who competes or has students in competition, offering safe and practical answers to face various situations.

What we will address:

  • 1. Identification of health problems: The Equihealth team will help us recognize signs of discomfort in your horse and how to address them.
  • 2. Prevention: Strategies to maintain the health and well-being of your horse before the competition.
  • 3. Action protocols: Discover the procedures and regulations that apply to each level of competition and learn how to pass the vet-check well.
  • 4. Substance/Treatment Administration: What can you give your horse in competition? Know the options and how to apply them.
  • 5. Human doping regulations: A representative of the Commissionwill share crucial information on doping regulations for humans.

Do you want to be more confident in competitions and avoid penalties or doping problems?
See you on April 8.

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