Maria Puntí, champion of Catalonia of Raid Joves Riders

On Saturday, April 6, the 2024 Championship of Catalonia of Young Riders was held, in Sant Feliu Sasserra.

The test related to the Championship was held within the framework of the CEIJY1* 100-kilometer International Raids in three phases. Finally, after an exciting sprint, Maria Purtí Alvarez and Elm Kazan were proclaimed new Champions of Catalonia for young riders 2024. The second position went to Guim Casellas with Brown Billie and the bronze medal for Abril Iserna with Yash de Vinyoles.

For teams, the gold went to the Amics dels Cavalls de Centelles team, formed by Guim Caselles, Biel Font, Abril Isern Marc Salvans and Ona Sellares. The silver medal went to the CMX team formed by Alex Maxenchs, Ignasi Casas, Gil Costa and Bruna Carrau.


You can see more photos of the championship on the FaceBook profile of the FCH.


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