Call for N1 national judge of classical and Paralympic dressage

The Equestrian Federation of Madrid, together with the RFHE and the National Technical Committee of Judges, convenes a course of National Judge of Classical Dressage and Paralympic Dressage N1.

The Course for National Judges N1 is aimed at all those who wish to train as National Judge N1 of Classical Dressage, who meet the requirements of this call and comply with the rules established by the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation and the Equestrian Federation of Madrid.

Applicants to participate in this course who do not belong to the Equestrian Federation of Madrid, must have the written authorization of their own Federation.

Course conditions

  • Applicants must be 18 years old at the time of starting the course, and possess the Territorial License in force.
  • Once they have passed the course, and always before carrying out the internships or related activity, they must obtain the National License.
  • Participants in the Recycling for Territorial Judges of Classic Damage must have a valid Territorial Judge License. To overcome the recycling they will have to attend at least 80% of the online phase.
  • Those who have the status of Territorial Judge and want to promote to N1, must necessarily take the initial tests and exams.

For more information you can consultthe call

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