In accordance with the provisions of our Statutes, the President and the Board of Directors convene an Ordinary General Assembly, next Monday, April 29 at 6.30pm.
The Assembly will be held virtually, through the Zoom platform, and the following points will be discussed
1. Opening of the Assembly by the President of the FCH.
2. Formation of the list of attendees
3. Approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the previous Assembly
4. Closing Approval - Audit 2023
5. Approval of Sports Report 2023
We attach the documents that will be discussed at the meeting, for your review. We would appreciate it Attendance Confirmationa
Acta_Assemblea_15_de_gener_de_2024.pdf Memoria_Esportiva_2023.pdf 23_FCH_CCAA_31_12_2023.pdf 23_FCH_Informe_Audit_2023.pdf Dades_Esportives_2023_resum.pdf