Celebrated the 2024 Catalan Ponies Championship

From 24 to 26 May, Les Tanques has hosted a new edition of the Catalonia Ponies Championship of DC, CCE and SO. The championship was a success of participation with more than 170 binomials.

In the team event in DC, the Gold medal went to the Pluma Torta team of CAVA, followed by the Sports Pony Reverter team in second position, and the Chelsea Open team that took bronze.

Here are the individual winners of the discipline ofCLASSICAL DRESSAGE.

Criterion 2:

  • Gold: Claudia Chumilla and Beukenoord's Bon Bon
  • Silver: Lucia Planas with Lorenzando

Criterion 1

  • Gold: Lyou Angelina with Candle
  • Silver: Erika del Campo with Pionero
  • Bronze: Circumb Arlet with Iris

AP Criterion

  • Gold: Carla Martinez with Golden RB
  • Silver: Lucie Claret with Rossendaal's Amy
  • Bronze: Julia Doy with Gladys Dun

Pony A

  • Gold: Alba Santiago with Magistral de Janás
  • Silver: Kerenea Santiago with Magistral by Janás
  • Bronze: Mar Sabaté with Black Label

Pony B:

  • Gold: Elsa Manzano with Airesdeandalucy Brandy
  • Silver: Ariane Alonso with Happy Feet
  • Bronze: Pia Pot mb Tommy Shelby

Pony C:

  • Gold for Gala Devis with Bonnie
  • Silver: Ariane Alonso with Pegaso
  • Bronze: Veronica Frutos with Claudia

Pony D:

  • Gold: Julia Alvarez with Topsvoorter

This year the CCE DISCIPLINEIt had 31 participants, including Les Tanques that will win the Gold medal for teams, followed by Team Rosita “Cazurros” with silver and Team Rosita “Los Avispaos” who won bronze. In ponies D2 the winner was Ariadna Farre with Jor Dina, while in ponies D the gold medal went to Laia Pineda with Little Princess. Nil Garcia and Liz were proclaimed winners in Ponies C and Iona Foxa with Hera del Sol in Ponies C2. Rita Dorca with Nico achieved gold in Ponis B. In the category of Ponies B2 Naiade Serres with Curro proclaimed winners. Finally in the Ponies A category, the gold metal went to Albert Valls and Desi V Calveen.

Below are the medals of all categories of the Championship and Criteria

Ponies A:

  • Gold Albert Valls with Desi V Calveen

Pony B:

  • Gold: Rita Dorca with Nico
  • Silver: Queralt Peralta with Bob
  • Bronze: Blue Ramos and Dexter

Ponies B2:

  • Gold: Naïade Serres with Curro

Ponies C2:

  • Gold: Iona Foxa with Hera DelsSol
  • Silver: Gemma Lafitte with Apache
  • Bronze: Martina Montes with Holly Molly

Pony C:

  • Gold: Nil Gacia with Liz
  • Silver: Berta Jover with Job
  • Bronze: Carlota Lopez with Sakira

Ponies D2:

  • Gold: Ariadna Farre with Jor Dina
  • Silver: April Carreras with Halis Brendy
  • Bronze: Danae Rodríguez and Zacarias

Pony D:

  • Gold: Laia Pineda with Litte Princess
  • Silver: Toni Navarro with Comotu
  • Bronze: Berta Valls with Sufria

The discipline ofOBSTACLE JUMPit was the one that had the largest number of participants, 115 binomials, who carried out fantastic tests and who demonstrated great projection for the future. Among the clubs, the Open Sports Club stood out, which achieved the three team medals with the Open Ajax, Open Borussia Dormund and the Open Paris St. Germain.

In the category of Ponies D, Gonzalo Cebriá riding Fun Beauty was made with the golden metal. In the D2 category Martina Riba did it with Luis and Marta Gallardo accompanies him on the podium. In Ponies C2 the gold medal went to Mateo Cebriá with Idol Golden, while in Ponies C Emma Gibert took Gold. In Ponis B the first position went to Nora Suñe with Avant L'Heure, while in ponies B2 Felix Puigbó and Indira a managed to top the classification. In Ponies In gold it was for Carla Battle with Pipo. Finally in Ponies A2 the gold metal went to Emma Sierra with Ondine.

Below are the medals of all categories of the Championship and Criteria

Ponies A2:

  • Gold: Emma Sierra and Odine
  • Salary: Vega Altayo and Gormiti
  • Bronze: Sergi Batalla y Roco

Ponies A:

  • Gold: Carla Batalla and Pipo de la Vllarna
  • Salary: Biel Vallverdu and Negret
  • Bronze: Miguel Galimany and Top alazana

Pony B:

  • Gold: Nora Suñe and Avant l'Heure
  • Silver: Alain Pino and Malena del Bosque
  • Bronze: Felix Pugbo and Indira

Ponies B2:

  • Gold: Felix Puigbó and Indira
  • Silver: Anna Sazanova i Colana 435
  • Bronze: Lola Mestres and Rita

Pony C:

  • Gold: Emma Gibert and Lovely Easter
  • Silver: Aitana Wwnen and Ange de la Boisselee

Ponies C2:

  • Gold: Mateo Cebriá and Golden Idol
  • Silver: Gonzalo Cebriá and Platoon de St Ladre
  • Bronze: Primitivo Nieves and Blommerschots low

Pony D:

  • Gold: Gonzalo cebriá and Fun Beauty

Ponies D2:

  • Gold: Martina Riba and Luis
  • Silver: Marta Gallardo and Mavewr Singapore

Criterion 0.30:

  • Gold: Aglaia Sherezade Paniagua and Aagje V stal de Trap
  • Silver: Jimena Cebriá and Betty 435
  • Bronze: Matias Delicia and Coco

Criterium 0.50m

  • Gold: Carlota Sirera and Petit Divine
  • Silver: Julia Lucia and Donatelo
  • Bronze: Matilde Treasure and Fury

Criterium 0.70m

  • Gold: Julia Seuba and GCE Blossom
  • Silver: Carla Rodrigo and GCE Blossom
  • Bronze: Martina Platas and Nina

If you want to check the photos of the Championship you can click here:https://www.facebook.com/fchipica/photos_albums


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