In Paddock Vallés, the 2023 TREC Catalonia Championship was held on December 2, categories Absolut, Junior, 1* and 0*
Last weekend Paddock Vallès hosted in its facilities a Trec contest that had the categories 1*, 2** and 3***.
With the participation of more than two hundred binomials, a CST1* scored for the Catalan Obstacle Jump League was developed at the facilities of the RCPB.
On Monday 26 February, we lived an extraordinary experience in another exciting session with Pep Marí, this time focused on Motivation.
Last weekend, the Santpedor Equiset Equestrian Association organized the XII Quico Yebra Memorial that will feature the promotion raids, CEA P60, CEA P40 and CEA 0*
Last weekend, in Vic, the VI edition of the Raid “Mercat del Ram” was held with races of CEA40, CEA60 and 0*.
On September 8, 2022, the FEI Board approved a temporary exception to the general influenza vaccination regulations, extending the vaccine booster intervals from 6 to 12 months.
Last weekend the INDOR Caldes de Malavella “FIRA DE LA TERRA” CAT0* was held, organized by the Club d'Enganxes Comarques de Girona.
Last weekend, the Selvaequus Sports Club organized the VI Territorial Raid of the Jungle, which will feature the promotion raids, CEA P40, CEA P60 and CEA 0*.